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Education - K12 5 min read

9 Steps every school should follow to reach full capacity

Image of Dr. Ahmad Misto

Dr. Ahmad Misto

Mistopreneur CEO, Cialdini MENA Manager

With more than 26 years of experience in the education technology EDTECH sector, selling, managing, and supporting 100s of schools in the MENA region, I can promise you that using this ROADMAP will drive more qualified parents to your school doors QUICKLY AND PREDICTABLY

We recommend reading the previous article discussing the effective roadmap to drive more qualified parents to your school in order to clearly understand the context

My Promise

With more than 26 years of experience in the education technology EDTECH sector, I can promise you that I know exactly how I can drive success to your school doors.

I designed this course “SCHOOL ENROLLMENT MADE SIMPLE” ™ to help schools like yours know how to DRIVE more qualified parents, CONVINCE them to enroll their child then TRANSFORM them into raving fans.

In this article, I will show you exactly how many SCHOOL OWNERS, just like you, are utilizing this strategy to quickly:

  1. Optimize their ENROLLMENT PROCESS
  2. Attract more qualified parents
  3. Retain families

And ultimately REACH their school's FULL CAPACITY.


And to assure you that you're in the right place, I want to emphasize that this STRATEGY reflects the EXACT SYSTEM we have used to assist TENS OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS & SCHOOL OWNERS in achieving their ENROLLMENTS GOALS QUICKLY AND PREDICTABLY


In short - this strategy is what's working right now - so let's dive right into it!


As you might be aware, getting the clarity you need to




is a major CONCERN for MOST SCHOOLS worldwide.

The SCHOOL MARKETING space is flooded with courses, coaches, books, and agencies - all promising to help you get results but ultimately only adding to your overwhelm and frustration...

The fact is - there are 3 main reasons SCHOOLS struggle to INCREASE the number OF ENROLLED STUDENTS, RETAIN FAMILIES, and OPTIMIZE THEIR EXPERIENCE.

  1. They don’t have a CLEAR MARKETING STRATEGY that is EASY to APPLY & Follow
  2. The registration staff may be good educators but for sure they LACK THE PERSUASIVE SKILLS NEEDED to convince parents to enroll and address inquiries such as “Why your tuition is expensive”
  3. They are UNABLE TO CLARIFY THEIR UNIQUE MESSAGE that resonates with their families

Do these sound familiar?

In all of my 26 years of experience SUPPORTING THE SCHOOLING INDUSTRY and working as a consultant to GREAT schools, I consistently encounter these three struggles and challenges MOST OF the time.

But IN FACT, these are merely SYMPTOMS of a much greater issue. In my opinion, the real issue lies in finding a BALANCE between delivering the best possible education and navigating the challenges of sustainability to thrive in this digital world; all while avoiding being consumed with marketing techniques and sales skills that most educators neither master nor appreciate!

The question that arises here is:

IS THERE A SIMPLE "Point A to Point B" system that is easy for them to follow?


The good news is YES THERE IS. If you’re struggling with ANY OF these issues, I will provide you with clear, proven, and easy-to-implement steps today that you can use right away to overcome them. With these steps, you can INCREASE STUDENT ENROLLMENT WITH CONFIDENCE without THE NEED TO HIRE NEW STAFF OR BEING MARKETING OR SALES EXPERTS.

As per the previous article, The ROADMAP consists of 3 STAGES and 9 STEPS only.

We partner with each SCHOOL we work with to implement these steps in this exact order to achieve the agreed-upon goal.

Stage 1: ANALYZE

The first stage in this ROADMAP is called “ANALYZE”

And the 1st step in it is called: “BUSINESS ASSESSMENT”. In this step, I will provide you with CHECKLISTS of best practices that assist SCHOOLS, just like yours, MEASURE THE HEALTH OF THEIR BUSINESS across 6 DIFFERENT AREAS like Leadership, marketing, admission, cash management, etc. Without Complicated Frameworks and Processes.

Next, our unique “MARKETING DIAGNOSES” WILL assist THE SCHOOL in quickly identifying MARKETING FLAWS Without Being Marketing Experts. You will get a full assessment for your online presence from website to social media.

After that, YOUR SCHOOL WILL BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THE ATTRITION and weaknesses in your current ENROLLMENT process using our “ENROLLMENT VALUATION” frameworks Without Complicated Tools.

Stage 2: ACTION

The next stage is called “ACTION”.

And the 1st STEP in it is called: “KNOW BEFORE YOU GROW”. Its aim is to know your numbers (like attrition rate, parent social media engagement, the cost of an enrolled student from lead till deal, etc) before initiating any actions. In business, there is a well-known concept: "You can't improve what you can't measure." So in this step, you will be provided with NEW STRATEGIES to ensure success Without Confusion, allowing you and your team to measure progress towards your goals.

The core mechanism for ensuring THAT YOUR SCHOOL is targeting the IDEAL PARENTS, using the MESSAGE that resonates with them, and building a RETENTION CULTURE is our “KNOW YOUR WHY” FRAMEWORK.

The last step in this Stage is “KNOW THEIR WHY”. In it, your team will be trained on SALES SKILLS to figure out what parents need and what their problems are. Then, they will position what you offer as a solution in order to convince them to ENROLL their child Without needing to be Sales Gurus! Your admission team will be introduced to many persuading techniques following Dr. Robert Cialdini’s process, the godfather of influence and persuasion in the world.

Stage 3: AIM

The 3rd stage is called “AIM”.

Once we have completed the implementation of the steps in Stages 1 and 2, we’ll begin the AIM stage by first building out the SCHOOL MARKETING System. This will enable you to SET UP your MARKETING SYSTEM to Attract the Right Families Without too much Ad Spending!

Next, we will focus on ALIGNING the marketing & the admission teams to help you BUILD your ENROLLMENT SYSTEM Without Complicated Tools. Your team will be introduced to the 3 funnels at this stage and how they work together: the marketing funnel, the admission funnel, and the retention funnel.

The final step of our SCHOOL ENROLLMENT MADE SIMPLE ROADMAP COURSE is to ensure Your SCHOOL IS able to OPTIMIZE the PARENTS’ JOURNEY to Enroll their Child and become Promoters Without Losing Too Much Time And Money.

What is NEXT?

So if you want to gain a crystal-clear understanding on the EXACT STEPS you should be following right now to ATTRACT MORE QUALIFIED PARENTS and achieve your Enrollment goals, I invite you to visit my website at SEMS OFFICIAL WEBSITE and book your free session with me.